The Hatch Camp
We can’t wait to see how this one turns out. Stay tuned!
Thank you John and Linda for purchasing this wagon.
We refurbished this cute little Home on the Range camp, (and it is little!) measuring only 9 feet long! Don’t be fooled by its small size because it is really spacious inside with everything a sheep herder needs out on the range. It now has a high-tech canvas, new memory foam double mattress and a real sheep herders’ stove in working condition.
Enjoy the transformation!

Future Project.
Our next wagon will be built using reclaimed lumber from an old seed company warehouse we are tearing down in Gooding, Idaho.
Wagon Rebuilds
Here is a small sampling of wagons we have had a hand in building or refurbishing as an apprentice for Idaho Sheep Camp.
Dream it.
Every craftsman has an idea of how they would like to the finished product will look when they are refurbishing an old camp
Build it.
It’s important to keep the integrity of the original builder but it is still possible to add your own touches.

New Wagons
New wagons can have character too!
Dream it.
Inspiration comes from looking at many different camps and maybe coming up with some creative ideas of your own.
Build it.